Saturday, May 15, 2010

My Daughter, the upcoming Photog....

I don't tell her enough that I am proud of her. We're usually too busy ramming heads over some insignificant thing, that is of course of the utmost importance at the time.

She has been helping out a lot lately, and today I asked her if she could take the dogs out for a bit. Then as a last thought I said, "Hey, you can bring my camera out too..." You would have thought that I handed her a handful of cash and sent her to the Mall. Well, maybe not that excited, but it was nice to see her get giddy over being able to use my camera unsupervised. Yes, it was the Olympus, but still! Any how, imagine my joy when I looked at the pix later that night. (For those wondering, no, she doesn't show them off, so I wanted to do that for her on here... )

A lovely self portrait, if I do say so myself. :)

tori pix

tori pix

tori pix

tori pix

tori pix

tori pix

tori pix

tori pix

tori pix

tori pix

tori pix

tori pix

tori pix

My particular favorite shot out of the pups...
tori pix

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